Aug 14, 2013

NVIDIA:我們不知道 《GTA V 》會否登陸在PC上

請注意,在我們週四的earnings call中,我們的投資關係小組列出了一系列在這個秋天廣大PC玩家期盼看到的精彩遊戲,其中就包括了萬眾期待的《GTA V 》,其實這個列表的目的僅僅是向遊戲開發商傳達PC玩家
對於這些遊戲的無限熱情,並不是向廣大玩家透露一些NVIDIA持有的相關遊戲發售的新消息,其實,我們不知道PC版本的《GTA V 》到底是不是存在的,我們在此向誤解了此消息的廣大玩家致歉。
「Please note, during our Thursday's earnings call, our investor relations team provided a list of important games that gamers are looking forward to on PC this fall, and included Grand Theft Auto V on that list. This statement was made with the intent of expressing enthusiasm for the games industry in general, and was not intended to represent specific knowledge possessed by NVIDIA. NVIDIA does not have information on any possible PC version release of Grand Theft Auto or its availability. We deeply regret the error.」

昨日我們看到了NVIDIA關於《GTA V 》降臨PC的偉大願景,消息的真實度貌似很靠譜。但遺憾的是今天我們就收到了有關這條新聞的NVIDIA官方的進一步更新: ... -be-released-on-pc/


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