Jan 5, 2013

IGN稱:買二手WiiU好處多多 允許免費下載遊戲!?



  怎麼會這樣?原因就在於WiiU的下載權限是與主機的硬件綁定的,而不是玩家的賬號或者任天堂ID。這就造成了花一份的錢,連接主機的所有game pad都可以下載該遊戲,甚至是只要一手買家付了錢,後面的二手、三手甚至四手玩家都可以免費玩遊戲的情況。


If you pick up a used Wii U, there's a chance you might also pick up some free games.

Well, that's according to a user on NeoGAF, who purchased a second-hand console to discover they could re-download any titles the previous owner had already purchased. And that was possible even though the previous owner had wiped the hard drive and removed their user account. The user in question was able to download Trine 2 and Nano Assault Neo.

So how can this be? It could be down to the fact that licenses for downloaded content are tied to specific consoles, not user accounts or Nintendo Network IDs. This feature allows multiple users on the same console to access all downloaded content, no matter which person originally purchased it. But it seems it also allows access to anyone who subsequently owns that console. 
http://www.ign.com/articles/2013 ... buying-a-used-wii-u

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